Wheel of the Year Séance & Ceremony Series

From Firebird: “We are thrilled to be hosting Renee & Siobhan for their Triple Goddess Séance & Ceremony Series again this year! Below, you can find out more about the intention behind this beautiful event series”

First Event: Imbolc on Saturday, 1/29


by Renee Rossi & Siobhan Claire

Why do we align our events with the wheel of the year?

The various holidays on the wheel of the year have been celebrated for centuries by cultures across the world. So there are universal themes to their meanings & symbolism. They also have a timelessness about them, like on those days, any celebration to honor the season expands beyond our understanding of linear time & place. We can be transported to a state of deeper connection with our ancestors, the Spirit world & the Earth. Just like human beings have used these holidays for millenia to acknowledge important shifts in nature & hence their daily lives, we too can access the capacity for deep transformation within ourselves & a deeper connection with the living world & the Spirit world. Each date is an invitation to recognize where we've been, where we are & where we'd like to go, not just physically but energetically, emotionally & spiritually, too. We can always choose to invite in growth & new cycles in every area of our lives, both big & small.

What is the value of receiving messages from Spirit at these times throughout the year?

For several of these holidays, the veil is thin meaning that the barriers between this world & the next are more permeable. Through regularly connecting with Spirit throughout each season, it helps us remember that we are always supported, protected & guided, no matter what. There's nothing we have to do & there's no way that we have to be to deserve this support. It is freely given. Realizing that regular Spirit communication and guidance can expand, change & enhance your whole life in every area such as how you love & are loved, how you see others, how you face your fears & desires, how you feel less alone & instead feel more connected & whole.

What is the benefit of joining the full journey throughout the year versus a single event?

While Spirit communication can be tremendously helpful and healing, it can at times also feel challenging and confusing to integrate this guidance into our lives. We absolutely welcome you to join us for a single workshop and seance and we know that you will receive exactly what you need in that moment - if it is the guidance from spirit, being held and witnessed in a sacred circle, or the intended ritual on that date. However, it is our belief and lived experience, that continued personal and spiritual growth does not happen by receiving a single channeled message. Transformation happens when we learn to become more intuitively aware and learn to trust our own internal wisdom. It is our intent to create a sacred space, a community, where you can explore your inner world, where you learn to connect with your higher self, and where you learn to connect with your physical and emotional bodies. That is why our events are more than a seance. Our events are designed to empower you to transform your inner and outer worlds through ritual, dance, visualization, embodiment and more. We want to empower you to live a sovereign and intuitively guided life.

What are the themes for the year together?

Our themes for this year revealed themselves to us quite organically and of course synchronistically; they emerged from the healing and growth that both of us have gone through on our own transformational journeys these past years and what we intuitively felt should be the focus. The themes that we landed on during our brainstorming session were: Fostering a safe space and creating community, empowerment through self-discovery and boundaries, and divine feminine embodiment.

Before wrapping up our planning session, we of course checked in with our Spirit teams and decided to pull a few Goddess Cards from the Divine Feminine Oracle deck by Meggan Watterson asking for guidance on what we had come up with. We pulled three cards and the goddesses that will be anchoring our yearlong journey are Hestia, Isis, and Sekhmet. We weren't in the least surprised that these goddesses represent what we intuitively knew needed to be our focus and teaching this year!

Hestia - The Goddess of Sanctuary

"She wants us to seek those situations that allow us to feel a sense of being home, or she wants us to create that form of sanctuary for someone else. She is the one who can be counted on, the one who fosters community. She wants you to light a small fire in the center of yourself and feel safe in calling your body home."

Isis - The Goddess of Magic

"The sexual energy that creates life can also be used to sustain it. Often our own sexual energy and power is feared. Or left neglected and unacknowledged. Isis is a call for us to allow our sexuality to infuse and enhance all that we say and do. She is the sacred reminder that sex is holy. And what makes it holy isn't marriage, or a certain combination of male and female or masculine and feminine. Sex is made sacred through presence, through our capacity to become fully embodied."

Sekhmet - The Red Lady

"Holy rage, sacred anger, and positive aggression - these states of being are crucial aspects of the divine feminine. Sekhmet wants us to come face to face with our true strength. We don't have to fear expressing our anger directly. She wants us to see that anger is an essential emotion. She wants us to act from conviction and love. She wants us to create the healthy boundaries we need so we aren't injured again and again. We have the divine right to draw a sacred circle around us at all times."

Sarah Rayne