Why work with Empress Energy?

What is Empress energy, and how can it be beneficial to work with this archetype and awaken your own inner empress?


Empress energy…

  • Reminds us of our own inherent sovereignty, authority, and resilience. A permission that we are born with, and don't need approval from the patriarchy to wield.

  • Helps us to remember that we are part of the earth, of the goddess(xx), and all life that is or has ever been.

  • Gives us permission to be messy, imperfect, growing, and still entirely whole

  • Helps us connect deeply to the pleasures of life – the sensual, the delightful, the emotional, the wondrous, and even the mundane pleasures

  • Teaches us the value in caring with our whole selves, in moving from the heart, and in participating in reciprocal, and/or spiralic love and caretaking

  • Reminds us that our bodies are sacred temples that need tending and love, and that we are not separate from them

  • Gives us permission to slooooowwwwww down and listen to our bodies' natural rhythms


These lessons, and so much more, will be taught, felt, and integrated during the Awakening the Empress Retreat, May 5th-7th. In this truly immersive and transformative healing container, you will learn through talks, experience through ceremony, movement, body-tending, magic, and intentional healing exercises, and receive the wondrous medicine of the earth through direct experience, all while being held in the embrace of conscious community connection.

Retreat is where we go to remember our magic, be immersed in healing, connected to spirit, refill our cup, and re-awaken to our purpose. We hope that you will join us and allow us to hold the space for your own remembering and empowerment.

Sarah Rayne