This Is What The Moon Told Me

By Sarah Rayne

I could see the silvery moonlight through the darkened trees. Away from warmth and the familiar, she opened to me. It wasn't quite a beckon, but an invitation to step into the mystery.

I followed the call. I sank to my knees. I saw and listened to all she had to say.

This is what the moon told me.

"You are limitless." she said, "As vast as all the heavens + universes combined, for they are not separate from you. You can be a hawk or a leaf on the wind, or you can be the whole sky. All of this is available to you. The only limitations are the ones you choose to inhabit.

What containers have you placed yourself in, and how have they stunted your growth? Knowing now that there are no limits, can you expand your reach? Seek deeper, open your awareness into the vastness of all that is? It is time to begin."

This is what the moon told me.

"It has always been this way" she said, "since time immemorial. You were born into this child-bearing body with a woman's soul, and you are linked to the experiences of all the women who have ever walked the earth. Our blessing is also our curse.

Because of our capacity to hold the vastness of life within ourselves, sometimes we hold the pain & needs of others, too. Sometimes we do this intentionally, with loving care, and sometimes it is not sweet or pleasurable. You do have the capacity to hold & transmute energy for others, but there are limits here. Body & spirit must be nourished and nurtured to do this work without harm to yourself. Remember to mother yourself, too."

This is what the moon told me.

"There is no such thing as static;" she said, "evolution is in your nature. Inside, your body sheds, releases, renews, grows, and sheds again. Outside, the world grows and dies in its time. Your planet is always turning, and so am I. Embrace change, because it cannot be avoided."

This is what the moon told me.

"You can see" she said, "far more clearly than you believe you can. You have eyes that can see in the dark, and an intuition that can perceive truth + energy. Why are you pretending that you cannot see? Why not open to the full expanse of your vision? It is safe to trust your instincts."

This is what the moon told me.

"Your pleasure belongs to you." she said, "It is yours for the taking. Explore it, own it, enjoy it, for it is your gift to yourself. The power of the wild feminine that flows through me, flows deeply through you, too. This pleasure and power is available to you always, if you reach deep enough, and open to receiving."

This is what the moon told me.

Sarah Rayne