Principles of Intuition

by Seulki

Intuition Master Class.jpg

What is intuition? For the purposes of this discussion, I will call "intuition" your umbilical cord to the Other Side. What is the Other Side?

Where you go when you die, where you came from before you were born, where you travel to when you are dreaming. The Other Side is always present, and in many respects more "active," I would say, than even what you would consider your present reality.

But in order to connect with the Other Side, you have to *trust* your connection to it. And your purpose on Earth.

Do you believe you came to Earth with a purpose? Then it is very easy to believe that you have "help" on the Other Side. They want you to succeed, no?

If you aren't sure of your purpose, or think that the Other Side doesn't exist, then from where I come from, sorry, it will be very hard to connect with and strengthen your intuition.

I've come to rely on my intuition almost more than my sense of sight or hearing. I have to trust the "messages" I receive in order to do this. How do you get to this point? How do you trust yourself?

Well, we need to first talk about intuition and mind. And after that, our enslavement to the ideas of society.

First and foremost, intuition can come in many different forms - whether it's a dream with a very strong message, a shiver down your spine, or just some kind of "knowing." I sometimes hear full sentences whispered into my ear, like, from a real but invisible person.

As a human, you are prone to MANY intuitive messages, and the issue isn't "opening" your intuition, rather, it's to stop doubting it and to *THINK LESS*.

We have been trained in most of our societies to value logic, mental processing, and even try to heal trauma through talk therapy - which 100% bypasses the body, where trauma resides.

We try to problem-solve, rather than go the energetic route. When in my opinion, the energy body is much more effective and transformational in handling all kinds of healing and ascension possibilities.

As you may or may not agree with or know, the mind is based on traumas from the past, and is obsessed with the best practices to avoid getting into the same situations again. This can lead to a life filled with unconscious "rules," where you won't do something in order to invoke a terrible, difficult response that you once experienced in the past.

You may not speak your truth, you may not quit your job, you may not quit your mom, and for SURE you will hurt yourself in order to please others. This kind of mind, based on unhealed trauma, is a terrible decision-maker. And yet, we rely on our minds or "logic" to make most of our decisions. Especially our unconscious minds.

Our intuition is the opposite. It knows no fear. It knows the future. Do you agree that time is an illusion based on our experience of this reality, but in fact, time is as illusory as space and matter?

If you agree that intuition is our connection to the Other Side, and that on the Other Side, there is no such thing as trauma, and therefore no such thing as "separation," or the fear of death or the fear of rejection, then any message from the Other Side must serve our highest purpose.

This is why it is so difficult for most people to "open" their intuition - or as I say, "stop thinking." The programming of the mind is so intense, that any intuitive message is covered over automatically, if it is even heard to begin with.

Many times we have been through a romantic breakup, and had we listened to ourselves earlier, we would have seen the signs much long ago. Same with a work situation that was not working out. What we were waiting on was the habit of our addiction to that traumatic situation to get *so bad* that even our minds couldn't stand the lies that they were telling to themselves.

Whatever you were getting out of that situation - status, a false sense of security, a "I am doing something here on Earth" type of feeling - all of these things were not worth the violation to yourself you most likely were feeling. And you intuition knew this all the time.

This is why we usually don't trust ourselves. We make terrible decisions that are not intuitive, and therefore we hurt ourselves and don't really take care of ourselves in the best way possible.

We originally learned to "think" rather than use our intuition when we were both raised by our mothers, and also raised in societies. Both conditions usually help us forget how to use our intuition, and to start to rely on trauma-avoidant mind-type logic.

Btw - logic is another issue I will discuss later on.

When we are raised by our human mothers in this Earth-plane, we are most likely inviting in some kind of disappointment and outright non-safe and traumatic situations. Most of us don't feel heard or understood by our mothers. Most of us "help" our mothers by giving them our energy. We aren't truly mothered - not in the sense that a butterfly is mothered by Mother Nature. Or a baby giraffe is mothered by her mother.

There is a sense of complete instinctive trust, of complete and utter abundance and nourishment that even the idea of lack is just not a computable concept. This is how most beings live their Earth-plane lives.

Not in the human world.

We have manifested these "traumas" to "heal from," in what I would call the video game of life. Something to build towards - a goal to achieve. Let's heal the world! Let's heal ourselves and the collective consciousness! How many times have you heard that?

Well, part of this "healing journey" is most likely for you to get reconnected with your intuition, and to strengthen it, so that you stop wasting time and start living your fullest and most pleasurable life.

When our mothers traumatize us, they are teaching us to stop listening to our intuition. Our intuition says, "This is not right," or even, "this is scary, get me out of here!" But we are so attached to our mothers as human animals, that we cannot leave nor act upon this kind of intuitive message. So we learn to ignore it.

Similarly, society has TONS of programming that teaches us to not listen to our intuition. The idea of money, which is a very successful concept. Or what I would call, an entity. The idea of "having a job," of being a good person because you work hard. All of these concepts help us ignore our intuition. All of these concepts are ideas of enslavement, which are commonly accepted in most societies. Whereas as you can imagine, following your intuition means forging your own path, and NOT being enslaved. Of being liberated.

If you don't buy into these ideas of enslavement and sameness, you are considered an outcast, or even worse, you are considered someone who needs to be controlled. Many common ideas in society are ludicrous and block abundance, but they have been adopted and are promulgated by those around us. Especially our families.

For many of us, it feels like a betrayal of our parents in order to listen to our intuition. We may go higher, see further, and dream bigger than they ever let themselves. Many people have a sense of loyalty to their parents in such a subconscious way that they even hurt themselves and block opportunities for growth in order to stay loyal to the unconscious and unspoken "rules" that the family abided by.

How much does your fear of abundance and your fear of your intuition go hand-in-hand with not wanting to be rejected? This is a very important consideration if you want to get in touch with your intuition.

Now let's look at logic.

Logic is something that many people like to weigh intuition against before making a decision. "Well, if it's logical AND intuitive, then I'll go for it. But both need to agree, or else I won't go for it."

Well, this is a fallacy, and in my opinion, rather stupid. This is a good way to weigh yourself down and never move forward.

The world is MAGICAL!!!!!! Not logical. Never logical.

Whatever you desire, if you are of that frequency, you can create whatever you want. Any reality.

Logic has very little place in this world. In some sense, I would say that logic is another commonly accepted idea in our societies that help enslave us and keep us down. Much like the idea of money and "jobs." Does logic serve us in any way? Yes, in certain circumstances, sure. Logic can keep you safe in time and space under many conditions, especially if you prefer a denser frequency.

I accept that in many cases, 2+2 = 4. But sometimes, you look in your wallet and money has appeared out of nowhere. Or it has disappeared out of nowhere.

Or you look in a drawer twice for something, and it's not there. The third time the next day, it is there!

The Other Side is WAY more active than we usually perceive in this reality. One way to develop your intuition is to make decisions based on this kind of magical acceptance, RATHER than logical acceptance.

If you "sense" or "feel" something, go with that. And see the results. Be a good scientist and see where the data lands. THIS will help you develop your intuition.

Most of us are so used to making decisions based on logic that we've never even tested our intuition. Or we even think it's a big deal if we managed to receive a little tiny message. YOU HAVE TONS OF MESSAGES ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!

You need to stop being scared of your intuition, especially if it contradicts a lot of the ego-based decision making you've made over the last decade. Yes, it's true, this career or city may not be for you.

Yes, it's true, your family might be one giant vampire sucking off of you rather than a true emotional support system. Yes, it's true, you may have lied to yourself for 10 years and stayed with a man who was cheating on you or is more a child than a partner.

A lot of us have an inner narcissist that cannot STAND to hear this information. We've made too many decisions already based on our "logic" and our minds. We've been waiting at this bus stop for 40min, so we're going to wait another 40min more, rather than calling it quits and walking, taking a taxi, or just recognizing the situation for what it is.

One thing to note is that without enough healing work and a high and stable enough vibration, it is very hard to listen to our intuition. Our bodies are SO disconnected from our minds that we live from the head-up. And to listen to our bodies is to either feel a tremendous amount of pain we're not ready to face, or some kind of blockage because we don't feel that we can take care of what's there.

If you are in this position, no worries. Just do your trauma work. Be with your body. And your intuition will start to flow.

If you've done a fair amount of trauma work and are now ready to "listen" to your intuition, here are some quick guidelines for "getting in touch."

If you think a lot, talk a lot about something, or are confused, you are in your mind.

Intuition is quick, decisive, and doesn't understand fear.

If you are fearful, worried, anxious, or any "negative" kind of emotion, you are running your old programming and THIS is NOT intuition.

Intuition has a sense of peace and calm about it, of surrender and acceptance. Even if you get a "negative" message, like, wow you are in an abusive situation and you need to leave right now. The message will come with a sense of peace and deep inner knowing.

If you are worried about how to "act" on your intuition, then again, you are thinking. If you "hear" that you have to go to Bali, then go to Bali. It doesn't matter if you don't have the time, money, resources, or what not. The universe has got your back. Go and do your mission! If you are worried about any of these "logistical" things, then you are blocking your intuition, and keeping the universe from helping you.

When you try to take care of everything yourself, you are not creating space for intuition to work or your helpers/guides/the universe to serve you. The mind is the masculine, linear energy of getting things done. Effort, hard work, taking care of yourself without any help. Intuition is the feminine, attractive and magnetic quality of letting others serve and come to her. Peaceful, trusting, and knowing.

Which way do you want to lead your life?

Sarah Rayne